🪲Bugs & Friends Manifest🪲

Let's celebrate insects,
Keepers of existence,
For in their wings and antennae
Is the secret of flowering.
The time is now, the place is here,
For every being, for every root,
The revolution begins with a small gesture
for all living beings on earth
humans not AND humans
all spirits and elemental beings
all planets
extrasolar systems
for all the seeds planted
For pollination
without insects life could end
without insects plants end
forests end
insects are life
So let's celebrate insects,
Keepers of existence,
For in their wings and antennae
Is the secret of flowering.
The health of the planet reflects on the health of our solar system
Let's take care of our collective health
Taking care of insects is a political act
so at today's party we invite you to make a commitment to
the earth
Our great mother
Let's do climate justice
by looking at living product models and forms of extractivism
let's celebrate insects and their wonderful work
So let's celebrate insects,
Keepers of existence,
For in their wings and antennae
Is the secret of flowering
The time is now, the place is here,
For every being, for every root,
The revolution begins with a small gesture
by Andressa Cantergiani and Caroline Barrueco
Sign the Manifesto🪲
Event sponsored by artizen.fund
3d printed ring to remind us of our commitment to the protection of insects: